I have fallen into the habit of toting my kindle EVERYWHERE. Seriously, wherever I am you can find it stowed away in my backpack when I have class or throw into my longchamp while I am out running errands. This weekend I was ready for a new light read for while I was at the pool and decided on White Girl Problems by Babe Walker. (I had a $5 amazon credit so I didn't feel too bad charging the extra $3 on my mom's card)
Anyone out there follow @whitegirlproblems? Well this was one of the first twitter accounts I started following. While I find it kind of annoying now to follow (lots of self-promotion), I still enjoy the occasional humorous #whitegirlproblem. Don't let the twitter account or blog fool you. Babe Walker is NOT a real person, but I kinda wish she was.
What trashy, guilty pleasure book is on your summer reading list?
Oooh I'll have to download this one next! I'm OBSESSED with my Nook! Take it EVERYWHERE(in its Lilly case of course! Speaking of trashy books, I just finished my first Chelsea Handler book. It was a little too crude for me to fully enjoy. xoxo